Retired Members Can Join NSREAA
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NSREAA recognizes the wealth of experience and wisdom retired members provide and welcomes your continued involvement.
Retired members who were regular or associate members of NSREAA, but who have retired, can pay the $30.00 retired member fee and become a member of NSREAA.
Benefits include:
- Receive regular correspondence from NSREAA
- Opportunity to sit on committees
- Opportunity to chair committees
- Vote for the Board of Directors
- Retired members can’t hold office on the Board of Directors except as Past President
- Retired members can’t engage in the practice of real estate appraisal
If you usually pay a retired membership fee to AIC, you will be billed $30.00 and your retired membership will be automatically instated. If you wish to join NSREAA as a retired member, please contact the office at 902.422.4077 or email